Wednesday, August 23, 2006

why do i feel like i've done this before?

i feel so like i've lived this life before. like meeting all the people I have met. I can remember their faces like a collage of misplaced images and abstract colors and strange smells. you ever walked into someones home and automatically think, "whoa i've been here before..." Or have you met someone and everything just went so wrong that you kinda wished you never met that person, but in time you realized that you were MEANT to be around that person.

I've met angles here on earth and i've met demons. I've had sex, made love and shook hands with the worst and the best. Along my teenage-hood and semi adult hood i've created within myself a soap opera of sorts, a thriller, a love scene or two, or three and so on...

i remember meeting these people and smiling from cheek to cheek to empress them, and talking softly to attract them. in the middle of our courtship, i entrap or become trapped. i've recieved and given...all kinds of things. in the past i always would ask to they think about me from time to time?

i don't think about that my thought is...why was i meant to meet that person and what if i didn't.

do i regret things i've done in the past...of course...but who's more sinful then anyone else? or better yet, who's the angel? and who's the demon?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful ruminations. Blogging at its best.

And thanks for the nice comment on mine.